Media Links Best

This page features one of Media Links own artists. A few samples of their artwork are displayed to really show what Media Link is all about.

This week's featured artist is Dennis Butler. Dennis is a carpenter on Long Island whose real skills lie in creating virtual worlds on the web. His favorite tool is Virtual Home Builder by Paragraph. Take a tour of his gallery shown below. If seeing is believing, taking a tour of this world will make you a believer in VRML.

Dennis also enjoys creating java and gif animations. Click on Paddy's Dance below for a fine example of Java animation. The adjacent icon is an example of Java sound. Both were created with Egor Animator.

Paddy's Dance

His artwork also includes creative logos as displayed below. Visit Dennis's site for a more in depth review.

graphics.gif by Dennis Butler

Dennis Butler's Web Page

For access to member's pages with awesome graphics...The Works

Media Link's Main Page...Media Link's main page and directory

Number of accesses since September 2, 1996